Quality & Services

Product Sourcing

Product Sourcing is the basis of each and every order and proceedings. If our sourcing is from an appropriate source, the end product would also be as per our aspirations. We have strong roots penetrated all over for effective sourcing, covering all the product categories for all segments of international market.


Product Development

The product development becomes active once the buyer has approved on our sourced products which are sent trough photo presentations. Products is developed according to buyer’s requirements and dispatched within the date stipulated by the buyer.




This involves entire execution of order from the initial to final stage, till the shipment is on board with massive and close follow up at various stages of production and updating buyer accordingly. Apart from this we take care of the entire packaging to be followed for a particular order. Normally we prefer to make it uniform for all the orders and standardize same so that it is approved once and for all and becomes easier for buyer too.


Factory Evaluation

Factory Audits / Evaluations are conducted to check the production capacity and the infrastructure of the chosen vendors. This audit is increasingly becoming important in the Indian context due to the linked problem of child labour, social welfare norms, pollution problems etc. The evaluation of the supplier’s factory plays a vital role in contributing to the end product. We make sure that the factory has adequate resources and man power to complete the production and meet with buyer’s quality standards. Thorough Audits are conducted by private auditors and Globus professionals to foresee the supplier’s strength, the facilities being provided to their employees so that they work in full swing and in turn the merchandise meet the Delivery date etc.


Quality Process


Selection of Vendors

Some of the prerequisites that we look for in our vendor are technical abilities, factory layout, equipment, personnel, productivity, financial strength and reputation, based on years of experience & interaction. If our client prefers a particular vendor, we work with them as well.


Briefing to the Vendor

A correct and unambiguous briefing is essential for a “first time right” product. Our expert and cognizant team members interact on a “one to one” basis with the vendors to give them a product briefing and explain the details related to raw material, dimensions, designing, process to be used etc.



Prototype and Sample Production

The production of the ordered lot starts only once the sample produced by the vendor is up to the mark.


quality check

In house Quality Check

Our quality controllers ensure that quality is maintained throughout production process. The sample is sent to us for due verification.


Client Approval

Once the product satisfies us, we send it to the client for their final approval. If any modification is needed, we again send it back to the vendor and all the changes are carried out to meet the exact specification.


mass productions

Mass Production Starts

After approval, the production starts on a fully fledged scale. In order to keep a check, it will start with Inline production.



Visit From Personnel

At this step, again we do a quality check. This is done not only to ensure the quality of finished product, but also considers the warehousing conditions. The place must be spacious and fit for storing the end goods.

BANGLADESH, DHAKA - JUNE 17 : The capital city of Dhaka. Textile factory in Savar, in the suburbs of Dhaka where work about six thousands employees. Dhaka is the capital of Bangladesh in June 17, 2015 in Dhaka, Bangladesh (Photo by Frédéric Soltan /Corbis via Getty Images)

Further Production Completed

After the process and product is found out to be up to the mark, we allow vendor to further production and the entire consignment is produced.




We ensure on-time deliveries to our clients. The packaging ensures minimal loss during transit and ease in unloading. If client needs a special packaging, we do arrange it. All the shipping and documentation are also coordinated by us to reduce the workload of our client.

final inspections

Final Inspection

After the completion of the manufacturing process, the product is thoroughly checked. While the goods are being packaged, quality controllers re-inspect randomly, selecting packages from the final shipment.